I am still in a daze from the biggest party I have ever seen this city throw.  Monday arrived and I must have got a hole in my wallet because there was no cash left, and strangely enough, I woke up dreaming of drinking water. There were Olympic pins on my clothes  and I sounded like I had smoked 3 packs of cigarettes… no don’t panic, I didn’t pick up any bad habits, other than the fact I replaced my typical “yay!” with “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

I expect to walk out onto the streets of Yaletown to find piles of garbage, unidentified persons in hockey jerseys passed out under trees, and loose flags in the wind. But it is almost like nothing happened – a clean city, more quiet than usual, people on their way to work (mind you the glazed look in their eyes tells a story other than 8 hours of sleep).

Was it a dream? Did our golden boy really seal the historic deal against the US? Did I really high-five police in the streets? Did we really win the most Winter Olympic medals ever? Did the Bay really pull off a cool line of digs? wow.

With every great party comes the tab at the end of the night, and I’d rather not think about it (or how we’re going to pay it off) right at this moment. Instead – here are a couple videos…. because if pictures are worth a thousand words – these are worth a million!

From my pal Chris Wheeler who works for HelloBC, and who doesn’t love a flashmob!